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Arthritis and Mobility

A relatively prevalent ailment, arthritis can impair movement and significantly affect many daily activities. Our Care Professionals help you live well at home by providing our specialised mobility and arthritis care in the comfort of your own home.


Supporting your mobility needs


Being told you have arthritis or another ailment that limits your mobility can be frightening, intimidating, and upsetting. Because we are aware that everyone is affected by arthritis differently, we customise our services to match your specific needs and enable you to live comfortably at home.

The Sunlight service


In the UK, ten million individuals suffer from arthritis. It results in joint pain and inflammation, which can make it difficult to move and make even routine daily tasks extremely tough. Sunlight's Care Professionals are here to help you with all of your specialised medical needs. We can offer a variety of services to help you stay happy at home, such as assistance with laundry, food preparation, accompanying you to clinic appointments, and personal care like assistance with washing or getting dressed.

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