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Companionship Care

Companionship Care for a Comfortable Life Experience



Companionship is the company of another person whom you enjoy spending time with such as your carefully matched Sunlight Care Professional.



Companionship Care can:


  • Help you or your loved one to keep active

  • Make sure you or your loved one have company and someone to socialise with

  • Help to build confidence in going outside the home

  • Encourage participation in activities inside and outside the home

  • Help families take a rest from caring with peace of mind

Why is Companionship Care important?



Loneliness can have serious effects on a person’s health and Sunlight Care aims to prevent social isolation by providing companionship care at home. Many people we support simply want company and conversation, whether they live alone and may not see family and friends as often as they would like, or just want a companion when going out to appointments or to do the shopping.




Home visits by Sunlight Care mean that you and your loved ones have peace of mind knowing that you have the company and support of a friendly and trusted Care Professional. Whatever support you need, we match you with a Sunlight Care Professional to be your companion. They will share in your interests and accompany you in whatever you like to do whether that’s crafts, going for a walk, out for lunch or watching a football match. Having care at home can be a big adjustment and starting with a companionship service means that if a time comes when you need extra help, there is already someone you know and trust to provide care and support.

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