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Sunlight Recovery Cafe

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The Sunlight Crisis Recovery Cafe is a safe space for anyone int he local community who feels that they maybe moving towards or currently experiencing an mental health crisis.


This proven model available in other areas of London have help to provide a safe space for people to reduce their immediate anxiety, combat social isolation, formulate individual plans to support their mental health and thereby reduce the likelihood of requiring assistance from local accident and emergency services.


Sunlight Care's trained volunteers and experience professionals offer a welcoming, friendly and stigma free environment to aid recovery.


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We offer a rage of activities specifically designed to help reduce anxiety and crisis with a safety plan to reduce these further and prevent re-occurrences, including planning their journey home well in advance of closing time.


The Café empowers people by enabling them to discuss the nature of the crisis they are experiencing in a private setting. Focusing them to utilise their strengths and their personal coping mechanisms, enables them to decrease distress and promote their personal well-being. 


The key aim of the service is to reduce the occurrence of future crisis by providing an individual approach to each clients needs. 


We operate a drop in service so no appointment is necessary and is free to attend. 

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